Fare capping is a way to save money on transit. It makes sure you never pay more than the cost of a daily, weekly, or monthly pass. Once your pass activations reaches the cost of a longer pass, you automatically get the pass for free for the rest of that time period (day, week, month, etc.).
For example, you purchase and activate two Single Ride fares in the morning ($3 total). A Day Pass is $2.50. You have spent more than $2.50 so you will be automatically upgraded to a Day Pass for the remainder of the day and refunded $.50.
Not all transit agencies offer fare capping, so check if yours does!
How Does Fare Capping Work?
- Keep riding as usual: Buy and activate passes like you normally would.
- Let the system work: If your total spending reaches the cost of a longer duration pass, the system will upgrade you to that pass automatically.
- One pass at a time: Make sure your current pass has expired before activating another one—only one active pass at a time counts toward fare capping.
How Will I Know I Got an Upgrade?
You’ll get a text message or email from Token Transit saying your pass was upgraded. It will explain:
- The new pass you’ve been upgraded to.
- How much you’ve spent so far.
- Any refund for overpaying.
Once upgraded, you can ride for free until the pass expires!
How Do Refunds Work?
If you overpay, Token Transit will try to refund you right away. Most refunds are instant, but some may take up to 10 business days to show on your card.
By mistake I activated both of my passes, which I really need one of them for tomorrow, is there anything I can do?
I got a message about my bus pass and it said it was extended and in my wallet but I don't know how to extend it
I got a message about my bus pass and it said it was extended and in my wallet but I don't know how to extend it
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